The TI-Nspire released in two models; a numeric and CAS version. The numeric is similar in features to the TI-84, except with a bigger and higher resolution screen and a full keyboard. The feature that the numeric lacks is the ability to solve algebraic equations such as indefinite integrals and derivatives. To fill in the gap of needing an algebraic calculator, Texas Instruments introduced the second model with the name: TI-Nspire CAS. The CAS is designed for college and university students, giving them the feature of calculating many algebraic equations like the Voyage 200 and TI-89 (which the TI-Nspire was intended to replace). However, the TI-Nspire does lack part of the ability of programming and installing additional apps that the previous models had, although a limited version of TI-BASIC is supported, along with Lua in later versions. C and assembly are only possible by Ndless.
With the exception of interchangeable TI-84 keypads, the CX series retain all features of the previous TI-Nspire models. The colors of the calculator are still the same as those of the TI-Nspire models; the CX is white and dark blue, while the CX CAS is gray and black. The external connectors have changed slightly. The mini-USB port, located at the center on the top of the TI-Nspire series, has moved to the right on the top on the CX series. On the CX series, TI added a second port immediately left of the mini-USB port, for a new wireless module. The new wireless TI-Nspire Navigator adapter, which allows teachers to monitor students and send files, is not compatible with the previous TI-Nspire models. The third port, located at the bottom of the handheld, is for the TI Charging Dock and Lab Cradle. The keypad layout is very similar to that of the TI-Nspire Touchpad.
Ti Nspire Cas Student Software L
Both models have 100 MB of user memory and 64 MB of RAM. The retail package comes in a plastic blister case and doesn't have the full manual, while the teachers edition comes in a box with a TI-Nspire CX poster for classrooms and the full manual (in English and French in the US). Both devices ship with the student/teacher software for Windows/Mac OS X. According to Texas Instruments, The CX is accepted in SAT, IB, AP, ACT and British GCSE and A level exams. The CX CAS is only accepted on SAT and AP.
Texas Instruments offers several different versions of software for their calculators. They offer CAS and non-CAS versions of their student and teacher software. This software allows users to share results with classmates and teachers and gives the user an emulated version of the TI-Nspire. TI also offers a computer link software for connecting their handheld to their computer to transfer documents. The software allows for the syncing of documents to and from the calculator and/or computer. This software requires a license in order to be used.
Press-to-Test is a feature that restricts access to the user's documents and certain features of the calculator for a limited time. Its intended purpose is to prevent cheating on tests and exams. Press-to-Test is enabled by pressing a certain button combination when turning on the calculator. The features that are blocked (for example 3D graphs and drag & drop for graphs) can be selectively enabled, but access to existing documents is always prohibited. When the handheld is running in Press-to-Test mode, an LED on top of it blinks to indicate that Press-to-Test is enabled. Press-to-Test can only be disabled by connecting to another calculator or a computer with TI-Nspire compatible software installed. Removing the batteries or pressing the reset button will not disable it.
Images can be included in TI-Nspire documents using the computer software. They can then be displayed on the Nspire calculators and in full color on the Nspire CX calculators. Graphs can be drawn on top of the images. A data collection application is included with the OS, for use with the Lab Cradle. 3D graphing is supported, as well as differential equations. Other features were also added, including improvements to functions that are related to statistics.[26] OS 3.0 also adds the ability to run programs that are written in Lua.[27][12] OS 3.0.1 introduced a number of bugs,[28] but most of these have been fixed as of 3.0.2.[29] In OS 3.2, conic equations in standard formats can be graphed and a new chemistry feature, Chem Box, allows users to write chemical notations.[30] OS 3.2 also saw the inclusion of the Chipmunk physics engine for use in Lua programs.[31] In OS 3.9, the area between curves can now be calculated on the graph bar.[32]
Download TI-Nspire CX Premium Teacher Software 5 full version program free setup for Windows. TI-Nspire CX Premium Teacher Software full version standalone offline installer for Windows. This interactive software lets educators present math and science concepts to the class.
It allows educators to write questions to guide students through an activity. Using the self-check feature, students can check their current level of understanding and decide if they can move on to the following mathematical concept. You can also download TI-Nspire CX CAS Student Software 5
Subscribers can drag down the panel to reveal the solution line by line. This is a very helpful strategy for the student who does not know how to do the question but given a clue, a peep at the beginnings of a method, they may be able to make progress themselves.
The exam-style questions appearing on this site are based on those set in previous examinations (or sample assessment papers for future examinations) by the major examination boards.The wording, diagrams and figures used in these questions have been changed from the originals so that students can have fresh, relevant problem solving practice even if they have previously worked through the related exam paper.
Mathematical modelling allows students to learn mathematics fromits applications, as well as to improve skills on reading, interpretation,formulation and solving problem situations (Alsina, Garcia M., Gomez, J. andRomero, 2007; Bloom, Galbraith, Henn and Niss, 2007; Bolea, Bosch and Gascon,2004; Ferruzzi, Gonsalves, Hruschka and de Almeida, 2004; Flores, 2010;Flores and Falconi, 2013; Ortiz, Rico and Castro, 2008; Neumaier, 2004).Despite these favorable conditions, in High School, the study of mathematicsis limited to learning some algorithms without practical applications inother disciplines. This approach had resulted in considering mathematics asan abstract and difficult subject.
A mathematical model could be an equation, a function, aninequality, a graph or any other mathematical object suitable for theexplanation of the phenomenon. Modelling activities are application in otherfields of knowledge. In modelling problems students should select themathematical model that best explain the situation and choose the procedureto obtain it.
* Think and act activities. In which the student has all elementsto get the model that best reproduces the phenomenon under consideration. Themodel is the deduced from problem text or from the description of thesituation. Here the student should make several decisions as to which kind offunction is going to be used, where the origin of co-ordinate is located,etcetera. These decisions will depend, to a great extent, on the level ofknowledge and depth of study of the problem or phenomenon. Engaging in theseactivities the student will put into play his/her skills of reasoning,conjecture posing and interpretation of a given situation in mathematicalterms.
* Curve fitting activities. In which the student faces a series ofnumerical data obtained from the phenomenon measurement and should processthem in order to obtain the mathematical model, usually a function or anequation.
Regardless of the long-standing debate about whether the use ofcalculators prevents students reflecting and fosters that he or she forgetsessential knowledge, such as multiplying tables or basic operations; andregardless of the position that argues that calculator strengthens studentsmathematical development we are convinced that the calculator as any physicaltool, helps to perform activities and to ease tasks, but it is not decisivein order that activities and tasks are performed in a correct and effectiveway. This concern is linked directly to the teacher, to the activities thathe or she designs to foster the learning of the subject and using calculatorsor not, and to the relationship that the teacher establishes with his/herstudents. That is, the mathematical education of the students dependsdirectly on the teaching-learning environment (TLE) that the teacher fostersin the classroom.
In the same way, tools as calculators, by themselves would notmake a student learn mathematics well and be good doing mathematics; thisdepends on the teacher and on the activities that he or she designs in orderthat his/her students learn: The efficient and effective use of calculators(and any other tool that use to do mathematics) is, rather, an hint ofmathematical knowledge of the user.
After the explanation, everyone did the plotting and the classwere more motivated on the use of the calculator and its exploration by theirown initiative. They commented that exploring the calculator possibilitiesthat would allow students to learn more about mathematics and its syntax.
Most teachers expressed that they felt fine and comfortable withthe way the sessions were carried out. Some said that the use of calculatorscould help improving the mathematical thinking of our students, althoughtheir implementation in Mexican schools is very difficult because of theirprices. 2ff7e9595c